Temco specialises in the replacement of tower steel, strengthening of transmission towers, and the refurbishment of directly buried steel foundations.
Steel: Techniques have been developed for replacing legs and significant load pieces without the use of external machinery. Conductor loads are transferred and supported to allow the replacement of crossarm steel.
Condition Assessment: Carrying out visual assessment of the condition of tower steel members and tower hardware.
Foundations: are exposed utilising small excavators and hand methods where appropriate. Calculations to determine foundation loadings indicate where tower propping is necessary. Foundation refurbishment can include:
Propping the tower to remove and immediately replace grillage foundations.
Excavating buried leg steel, dry blasting to SA2.5 finish, then applying coating (hot zinc spray, vinyl or epoxy coatings).
Installing splints to any damaged steel members, or complete replacement of the steel member.
Installation of concrete around buried steel.
Temco have expertise in refurbishing Communications towers. Services offered include:
Air-assisted wet abrasive blasting to remove any corrosion.
Full containment of spent abrasive media and removed corrosion particles.
Vacuum shrouded hand-tool removal of corrosion and defective coatings.
Maintenance of existing aged coating systems.
Temco welcome the opportunity to discuss any corrosion mitigation requirements that clients may have.